What Is Billiards - The Story

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작성자 Nellie
댓글 0건 조회 48회 작성일 24-09-23 14:24


If a ball stops near the edge of a pocket, and remains apparently motionless for five seconds, it is not considered pocketed if it later falls into the pocket by itself. Vietnamese carom has also made significant strides, with five players in the world's top 30, including Quyet Chien at number two and Phuong Vinh as the reigning world champion. French billiards is played with 3 balls: a red and two white balls, one of which is marked with a black dot. All these balls do not have a number but are all red. Billiards refers to the family of cue sports played by striking billiard balls with cue sticks. However, to become good at cutthroat pool, you’ll want to practice with friends and family before getting competitive. However, the nobility desired more exotic materials as colonization expanded worldwide. Pool is normally played with one black ball, seven yellow balls, seven red balls, and a white cue ball, however, the number of balls used depends on the game.

The player must first pocket a red ball and then try to pocket any colour he may choose, scoring the value of the ball that he has pocketed. If a player requires assistance to roll around the table, another person may help them, but must not be touching the wheelchair during the actual shot. The referee shall answer players’ inquiries regarding objective data, such as whether a ball will be in the rack, whether a ball is behind the head string, what the count is, how many points are needed for a victory, if a player or his opponent is on a foul, what rule would apply if a certain shot is made, etc. When asked for a clarification of a rule, the referee will explain the applicable rule to the best of his ability, but any misstatement by the referee will not protect a player from enforcement of the actual rules. Among other penalties possible are a warning; a standard-foul penalty, which will count as part of a threefoul sequence if applicable; a serious-foul penalty; loss of a rack, set or match; ejection from the competition possibly with forfeiture of all prizes, trophies and standings points.

The referee will replace the balls to their original position as accurately as possible. The position of a ball is determined by the projection of its center vertically downward onto the playing surface. The shooter must remain seated while playing a shot (at least one cheek on the seat or seat pad). The referee must warn a shooter who is on two fouls when he comes to the table that he is on two fouls. The first is when the cue strikes the lower half of the ball and the cue "digs under" the ball to raise it off the table. The cue ball must either cross the head string or contact a ball in front of or on the head string or the shot is a foul, and the cue ball is in hand for the following player according to the rules of the specific game. Unsportsmanlike conduct is any intentional behavior that brings disrepute to the sport or which disrupts or changes the game to the extent that it cannot be played fairly.

If such a shot is intentional, it is unsportsmanlike conduct. Violations of the above are considered to violate 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct and will typically be penalized as follows: 1st offense, cue ball in hand for the opponent anywhere on the table; 2nd offense, loss of the current game; 3rd offense, loss of the match. The player who is going first will set the cue ball anywhere they want behind the head string. Suppose you want to play a game of billiards (or pool, or snooker, or whatever takes your fancy), but instead of playing on a rectangular table, you play it on an elliptical table. Oftentimes, you need to hit the ball on an angle to get it to go where you want. A ball touching a rail at the start of a shot (said to be "frozen" to the rail) is not considered driven to that rail unless it leaves the rail and returns. The rack is the framing device, typically triangular, used to arrange the object balls for the break shot at the start of the game.

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